Createspace Reviews

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Createspace Pricing:

Black and White books with 24-108 pages - Standard Plan = $3.66/book    Pro Plan = $2.15/book
Black and white books with 10-828 pages - Standard Plan = $1.50/book     Pro Plan = $0.85/book
Full-color books with 24-40 pages - Standard Plan = $6.55/book                 Pro Plan = $3.65
Full-color books with 42-250 pages Standard Plan = $1.75/book                 Pro Plan = $0.85

Through CreateSpace bookstore - $10 less 20% ($2) distribution, less fixed charge for Pro-Plan ($0.85), less page charge ($2.40) = $4.75

Through Amazon bookstore - $10 less 40% ($4) distribution, less fixed charge for Pro-Plan ($0.85), less page charge ($2.40) = $2.75

Through other expanded channels - $10 less 60% ($6) distribution, less fixed charge for Pro-Plan ($0.85), less page charges ($2.40) = $0.75"

You can go to Createspace Home page here.

Createspace Positive Reviews:

          Mick Rooney

          Interior Review

          e-Home Business Review

Createspace Negative Reviews:

          RippOff Report

          Good Reads

          Scams and Rippoff

Feel free to rate Createspace:

This would be a prime example of well planned online marketing strategy. Createspace has managed to hide if not completely remove most of the negative reviews about them online. Considering their competence in regards to online marketing for themselves, I would have to give them respect. Createspace can be ideal for an author who is not out to make money from their ideas. If your intentions are not to profit then I would highly recommend Createspace. They provide good service along with options that can work for little or no budget authors. Sounds too good to be true? Well it is not, as long as you're not expecting to profit from your published book.

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  1. WONDERFUL Research Blog for Vanity Publishing!

    You saved me hours of research trying to navigate Amazon's laborious rule, regs and just plain cr*&.

    Great work!

    P.S. You might want to run a spellcheck through pages.
    On CreateSpace I noticed you spelled plan as paln

    1. Thank you Dominic. The research for the information of this blog took weeks but creating the blog was a rush job. I will try to check my spelling but thank you for the heads up. I've corrected the spelling already. Thanks again and I hope you find the information on my blog useful. Let me know if you would like to have another publishing company included?

  2. Why do you say this?

    Createspace can be ideal for an author who is not out to make money from their ideas. If your intentions are not to profit then I would highly recommend Createspace.

    Do they do something specifically to stop an author from selling books?

    1. Hi Doug,

      Thank you for sharing your insight. Createspace does not stop authors from selling their books. I am basing it on the percentage given to the author from the list price. Createspace offers the lowest percentage off of list price for the authors. You can review the comparison with the other publishing companies and notice the difference. It is a fact, Createspace offers the lowest percentage according to the survey done when creating this blog.

      Thank you Doug.

  3. Thank you for writing this. You are absolutely right on Createspace offering a "solution" to those who do not plan to make money from their books.

    1) For selling a full-color professionally shot and designed recipe book (82 pages), we plan to sell it at $12.95.

    Our profit from Amazon for this? ONE DOLLAR.

    2) If we choose Expanded Distribution (which we would like to and have to pay $25 for it), the lowest possible price we
    can charge (imposed by createspace) is $16.83

    Our profit from Amazon for this? THREE DOLLARS.

    First off, we do not want $16.83 and no one would buy it anyway.
    So Our only option is #1. Which means after paying our graphic designer's royalty of $1 per book...

    Our profit for this whole deal? ZERO DOLLARS.

    Yes you are right Annie. If you are not planning to make money from your work, Createspace is ideal.

    Also, to negotiate the labyrinth Createspace calls a website, requires a graduate degree in website navigation.
